How Long After Botox Can You Exercise?

When you get Botox, you’re making an investment in your appearance. It’s natural to want to take care of that investment, which includes knowing how to handle post-treatment care—like when to resume your exercise routine. Exercise increases blood flow throughout your body, which can theoretically spread Botox to unwanted areas. This is why many practitioners advise against vigorous physical activity immediately after Botox injections. So, how long should you wait to resume working out after Botox? Let’s find out.

What Is Botox and How Does It Work?

Botox, or botulinum toxin, works by blocking nerve signals in the muscles where it is injected. When these nerve signals are interrupted, the affected muscle is temporarily paralyzed or weakened, preventing the formation of wrinkles and giving the skin a smoother, more youthful appearance.

Why Do I Have to Wait to Exercise After Botox?

The primary concern with exercising after Botox is that it increases blood circulation. This can potentially cause the Botox to migrate from the intended area of effect to surrounding muscles, potentially diminishing the desired results or causing asymmetry. Moreover, increased blood flow can also accelerate the metabolization of Botox, potentially decreasing its longevity.

How Long Do I Have to Wait to Exercise?

Most practitioners recommend waiting at least 24 hours before resuming any form of strenuous physical activity. This waiting period allows the Botox to settle into the muscle tissue and begin taking effect. However, recommendations can vary depending on the treated areas and the individual’s response to Botox.

Types of Exercises to Avoid

Within the first 24 hours post-treatment, you should avoid activities that involve:

  • Heavy lifting
  • High-impact cardio
  • Bending over
  • Hot yoga or saunas

However, if you’re eager to get moving sooner rather than later, some low-impact exercises might be permissible, such as:

  • Walking
  • Gentle stretching
  • Light housework

However, it’s important to get the green light from your healthcare provider before engaging in any physical activity soon after receiving Botox.

What Happens If I Exercise Too Soon After Botox?

Exercising too soon after Botox could potentially lead to:

  • More pronounced bruising due to increased blood flow.
  • Increased swelling, which can be exacerbated by elevated heart rates.
  • Reduced efficacy, as movement and increased blood flow might spread Botox to adjacent areas, weakening its effects.
  • An asymmetrical appearance if your Botox migrates or spreads.

The best way to ensure it’s safe to resume exercise is to follow up with your Botox provider. They might suggest waiting a bit longer based on your individual case or the specifics of your treatment.

Tips for a Safe Return to Exercise

When you do get back to the gym, consider the following exercise aftercare Botox tips to maintain the best possible results from your Botox treatment:

Ease Into It

Start with less intense sessions and gradually increase the intensity of your workouts.

Stay Cool

Avoid exercises that lead to overheating, particularly in the first few days.

Monitor Your Body

Pay attention to how your body feels during and after exercise, and if you experience any unusual symptoms, consult your provider.

Final Thoughts

Taking care of your Botox treatment extends beyond just the initial procedure. Understanding when to resume exercise is a crucial part of maintaining your results. By waiting the recommended period—typically 24 hours—and following these tips for a safe return to your workout routine, you can enjoy the benefits of Botox without risking unwanted side effects.

Always remember, your provider’s instructions should be tailored to your specific needs, and following them is the key to keeping your skin looking its best. With patience and proper care, you can return to your active lifestyle and continue to enjoy the rejuvenating effects of Botox!


How soon can I exercise after Botox?

You should wait at least 24 hours after receiving Botox injections before resuming exercise. This waiting period allows the Botox to settle into the targeted muscles and minimizes the risk of spreading the toxin to surrounding areas, which could alter your results.

What happens if I exercise after Botox?

Exercising immediately after Botox may increase the risk of bruising, swelling, and spreading the toxin to unintended areas, which can potentially weaken its effects and lead to asymmetrical results. Exercise can also increase blood flow and metabolism, potentially diminishing the treatment’s longevity.

Can I exercise three days after Botox?

Yes, you can typically exercise three days after Botox. By this time, the risk of Botox spreading to unintended areas due to increased blood flow from exercise is minimal, and you should be able to return to your normal exercise routine.

Can I work out nine hours after Botox?

It is generally not recommended to work out nine hours after Botox. Most healthcare providers advise waiting at least 24 hours before engaging in any strenuous physical activity to ensure the Botox has fully settled into the targeted muscles.

Contact Us Today

Having BOTOX® injections and treatments with dermal fillers are great ways to non-surgically diminish the signs of aging. At the Skinjectables Cosmetic Clinic in Toronto, Canada, our Anti-Aging Specialists use dermal fillers and neurotoxins to essentially ‘turn back the hands of time.’ With years of experience, our Expert Injectors use their skills to provide patients with a refreshed, more youthful-looking appearance.

If you are interested in learning more about the various facial-rejuvenation procedures available at the Skinjectables Cosmetic Clinic in Toronto, contact us today at 416-546-5200 and book your initial consultation. Our experienced Anti-Aging Specialists can use a variety of non-surgical procedures to help you look more refreshed. Furthermore, if you have been diagnosed with axillary hyperhidrosis or would like to reduce the size of your masseter muscles, our Experts can help.

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